What jobs should require personality tests prior to hiring a candidate?

Details: (1)What jobs should require personality tests

Style APA
Number of words 470
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Details: (1)What jobs should require personality tests prior to hiring a candidate? What traits are important for these jobs?
(2)Discuss Allport’s concept of functional autonomy. Identify two instances in your life where functional autonomy was present.
(3) Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of using twins to analyze genetic heritability. Why might it be useful for future twin studies to separate out monozygotic (identical) from dizygotic (fraternal) twins?
(4) Extroversion is highly connected to the need for stimulation in a way that is similar to ADHD. If a pill were developed to make people extroverted should some people start taking it, what are the risks and benefits?

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