A presentation aid is not required for this speech.

Myth Buster Speech

Style APA
Number of words 863
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


MythBuster Speech: Objective: The preparation and presentation of this speech will increase your understanding of the basic principles of informative speaking, outlining to speak, audience analysis, the use of presentation aids, and basic delivery skills. (Note: Please remember that informative speakers are as objective as they can be. Your role is to provide information to your audience that is balanced so that they can make up their own mind about what value the topic will be to them.) Do not be tempted to copy a speech from YouTube as that will be considered plagiarism and subject to a penalty as described in the EPCC handbook.
You will deliver an original five to seven-minute informative speech on a topic that is appropriate to that general purpose.
The main points should follow one of the organizational patterns recommended for informative speeches in your text. Some patterns will be better than others and your choice will be evaluated.
The evaluation of this speech will also include how well your presentation adheres to the guidelines for informative speaking set forth in your textbook.
A presentation aid is not required for this speech.
At least three sources must be used and cited verbally in the speech as well as cited in a bibliography (APA) attached to your outline.
A typed full-sentence preparation outline with works cited page must be submitted ahead of time in the appropriate assignment window or in class.
Again, delivery will be conversational (extemporaneous) with the use of a speaking outline on note cards. PLEASE DO NOT READ YOUR SPEECH WORD FOR WORD!!


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