Style | APA |
Number of words | 861 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Students who are English Language Learners are classified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) or Immigrant Children and Youth.
Source: MDE Guidelines for English Language Learners
Teacher interns will view multiple videos involving ELL instruction to develop their knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions for working with ELL students. There is no interview component for this assignment.
Focus on the instruction, classroom management comparison, and native language during this observation. How is the teacher’s instruction and the student interactions similar and different in comparison to non-ELL students?
The paper submitted in Watermark should address Part I: Observation and Part II: Analysis/Reflection (requirements explained in the directions below). The rubric used to assess the assignment should be a guide for your paper.
PART I: Observation
Be aware of the following components while viewing the videos and address the components in your paper.
When possible, discuss the schools, teachers, grades, and content areas.
What language/s were the student/s fluent in apart from English? (native language/s)?
How did the classrooms/lessons observed promote authentic learning experiences for ELL students?
How did the teachers gather prior knowledge? (Pre-assessments, discussion, graphic organizers, etc.)
How did the teachers accommodate the individual needs of ELL students?
In comparison to a traditional classroom, how did the teachers teach the content to promote a deeper understanding for the ELL students?
Are the communication lines open and encouraged among ELL students/teachers and ELL students/other students in the class?
PART II: Analysis/Reflection
Address the following components in the analysis/reflection components in your paper:
What were the characteristics of the ELL students?
Did they participate in the lesson?
Did they seem to understand the objectives of the lesson?
Were they able to apply concepts taught within the lesson?
How did they communicate with the teacher and other peers?
What qualities did the teacher demonstrate that were successful?
What evidence in the videos reflects the impact on student learning for ELL students? How do you know the students gained a better understanding of the content being delivered?
What could be done differently by the teacher/s to improve learning outcomes?
How did the teacher foster learning and address learning needs? How were those techniques the same/different from a traditional classroom without ELL students?
Explain how your observation will be helpful in future teaching situations.
Videos are located in via Prezi at
File Attachments:
Observation III Rubric.pdf