Discuss the classroom information

School learning assignment

Style APA
Number of words 1672
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


See the attached files for the Impact on Student Learning Assignment.

The assignment will be submitted in sections. You will only submit Sections 1-2 for this requirement.

use information in red for the parts shown

Prompt: In the discussion on contextual factors, including the following: • 1.1. Community and school information ▪

Iuka middle school, Iuka Mississippi, public school grade 5-8, title 1, most students free lunch,

4,000 people 91% Caucasian

Over half the population blue-collar middle class, the rest poor,

1.2. Classroom information ▪ Discuss the classroom information: o physical features and arrangement of the classroom o availability of technology, equipment, and resources o extent of parental/guardian involvement o grouping practices (whole group, small group, pairs, etc.)Consider additional areas for discussion, which could include but are not limited to how groups were determined, classroom rules and routines, scheduling, and additional teachers/students that enter or leave the room on a regular basis.

We are spaced out in the classroom due to covid!

Parent-teacher relationship GOOD

As far as equipment goes.. the students have an iPad so we do a lot of interaction thru the computer in class, using Canvas.

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Discuss the classroom information

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