In this week’s assignment, we will put this concept into practice, and explore first-hand the art of scientific thinking.

Environmental Science Question

ENVS 100 Week 1 Assignment

Putting the Scientific Method into practice

Perhaps the hardest task for any scientist is to ask a good question. As Sean Chamberlin writes out in “The Remarkable Ocean World”:

“A properly posed scientific question gets to the root of the matter; the mere creation of it suggests possibilities we might never have considered; the asking of it illuminates gaps in our knowledge and exposes those parts of a problem that are most critical.”

In this week’s assignment, we will put this concept into practice, and explore first-hand the art of scientific thinking.

For this activity, I want you to GO OUTSIDE. You don’t have to go far. Find a city park. Find a patch of grass. Find your backyard. Find your local playground. But find somewhere where maybe there is some vegetation and some nonhuman animals.

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In this week's assignment we will put this concept into practice and explore first-hand the art of scientific thinking.


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