Writing question
Instructions (What to Do and How to Do it): Describe interventions to improve clinical and financial outcomes for a population.
 Describe gaps in health
 Define at least three interventions based on gaps in health
 For each intervention describe:
o Problem: describe the specific problem identified being addressed through your intervention
o Target Population: description of not only target population but the method for identification/risk stratification of this group
o Planned Intervention: describe your intervention
o Stakeholders: both internal and external partners
o Anticipated Clinical and/or Financial Outcome: describe not only the anticipated clinical and/or financial outcomes in terms of the general society but to the health system reference evidence supporting your intervention
o Metrics to Assess Success
o Financing: both description of the cost of the program and funding
You can choose one of three paths for this assignment: (A) either complete the Aetna’s Foundation Grant, (B) the Jefferson Hearst Population Health Award submission, or (C) any other grant that you may be interested in actually pursuing in this same area of innovative population health interventions. If you choose option C please stay true to both the focus of the Aetna and Jefferson Hearst programs. Aetna, for example, is an example of Population Health based initiatives for community-based groups. The grant “seeks to support communities’ efforts to become healthier places to live, work, learn, play and pray.” Submissions have been invited that address the social determinants of health, mental, physical, social, and emotional well-being of the target community’s population.
This assignment can be the foundation for your Capstone project (link to Capstone description)
Required Resources: For this assignment, you’ll begin by reviewing the Aetna Foundation’s Request for Proposal (RFP) for their grant program, Cultivating Healthy Communities (https://www.aetna-foundation.org/grants-partnerships/grants/cultivating-healthy-communities-rfp.html ). You’ll then be addressing specified requirements of the RFP in developing your own proposal.
How to Complete and Submit: explain where/how the assignment is to be completed and submitted
File Naming convention: provide the pattern for the file name and give an example
Acceptable File Formats for this Assignment: Word Excel PowerPoint Open Office
#2 Assignment – Interventions. Detailing at least three Interventions addressing a general population health problem /gap. This problem/gap can come from your work in Assignment #1. Also, this Assignment #2 could provide the foundation for your Future Press Release, Assignment #3. For this Assignment #2, write up a proposal for funding of your interventions through either a Grant application or funding from a Health System, payer or another group. Start with describing the general problem /gap being addressed. Define at least three interventions addressing this problem/gap. For each intervention describe the following elements. Intervention Title Short to the point title Specific Problem Describes specific problem being addressed within the board problem/gap identified Target Population Description of not only target population but the method for identification/risk stratification of this group Time – Intervention / Duration Detail the starting point of the intervention and duration of the project among the specific phases/stages Intervention Detail the intervention. Specifically who is doing what? Stakeholders Describe not only the anticipated clinical and/or financial outcomes in terms of the general society but to the health system reference evidence supporting your intervention Anticipated Outcomes Detail specific clinical and financial outcomes expected Metrics Describe the metrics to track success Funding Both descriptions of the cost of the program and funding. Funding needs to be ongoing as such should come from the organizations realizing the clinical and financial benefits. Especially critical is defining the funding through the entities benefiting from the interventions rather than simply a grant request which would lack sustainability once the grant funding runs out.
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