The scenarios describe an issue faced by many health systems that witness clients from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

The scenarios describe an issue faced by many health systems that witness clients from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Case study

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The scenarios describe an issue faced by many health systems that witness clients from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. If the cultural competencies are not adequately taken into consideration, the health systems risk furthering inequities as a result of the denial of service and/or inability to provide appropriate health services. Notably, a number of health systems have begun to understand the cultural nuances of the various clienteles and their relevance in the customization of health care services. In less than 800 words take a personal position/view of the various ethical dilemmas presented.

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Please use an appropriate Referencing System. You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments that show evidence of academic unfair practice.
References should be less than 5 years old and peer-reviewed journal articles or reputable websites.
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The scenarios describe an issue faced by many health systems that witness clients from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds.


763 words

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