Emotional Conversation
- American Chopper Fight
Search American Chopper Fight, Discovery Channel
- American Chopper: I Robot Bike Argument 2
Search AmericanCh0PPer:I Robot Bike Argument 2
Describe a scene that you remember where you expressed yourself emotionally through physical actions. Comment on whether these actions enhanced the communication or got in the way.
Realizing how high emotion affects all of us on a daily basis, how would you react if you were working in the same environment as the people in the clips?
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Analyzing the effects of Emotions
Emotions appear to rule over our everyday lives. There are several bodily reactions that a person experiences when displaying high emotions. Some of these reactions include gesturing, reddening eyes as well as frowning among others. A person makes a decision based on the state of his/her feeling that is whether the person is sad, frustrated, and happy or bored. Similarly, one prefers a particular hobby or an activity depending on the emotions they incite.
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