recall an event which historical thought and tradition affected the civil liberties and civil rights of individuals or groups?

recall an event which historical thought and tradition affected the civil liberties and civil rights of individuals or groups?

Can you recall an event that you have witnessed in your lifetime in which historical thought and tradition affected the civil liberties and civil rights of individuals or groups? Please describe this event and how it may have personally affected you.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary, but if any resources are used, then please cite and reference them properly using APA format as found in the CSU Citation Guide.

civil rightscivil liberties description 1 pages, Double Spacing Columbia Southern bookmark PS 10101802 American Government
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Freedom to Marry

One of the most recent events that has alluded to the rights and liberties of the American public has been the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling of 2015. The ruling granted that it was unconstitutional for government to deny people the right to same sex marriage. Ultimately, the court’s decision gave the LGBTQ community the rights they deserve to enjoy under the Fourteenth Amendment, but had long been prosecuted based on cultural beliefs in society

(289 words)
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