The Self-Appraisal Problem

 The Self-Appraisal Problem

Leroy Washington, human resource director at Engel Products, was faced with a problem that he had not experienced before and was uncertain how to proceed. The problem was related to the firm’s self-evaluation appraisal process. This process requires supervisors to evaluate themselves by completing two forms. The first form, Responsibilities and Goal Accomplishments Self Evaluation Report (see Exhibit 3.3), requires that supervisors write down their primary job duties/responsibilities along with the objectives that they had agreed to accomplish during the past year. They are to evaluate themselves from 1 (Outstanding) to 4 (Unsatisfactory). They also need to write an overall performance summary. The second form, Career Development Self Evaluation Report (see Exhibit 3.4), is used for training and development purposes and asks supervisors to indicate their strengths, evaluate themselves in terms of ten criteria, and develop plans for improving their skills and knowledge. It also asks supervisors to explain their career interests by specifying what jobs they aspire to hold in the future. For each objective, they are required to specify the criteria they will use to judge whether the objective was met and a date by which the objective will be accomplished.

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