Cross-cultural Service Delivery

 Cross-cultural Service Delivery

What are some of the challenges and injustices this group has experienced domestically or abroad?
How can you help the client draw on their individual and cultural strengths to creatively address these life challenges?
Cultural humility involves taking an interpersonal stance that is other-centered rather than focusing on one’s self interests. In this regard, the client is actively involved in the helping experience, while the worker acknowledges and respects the client’s lived experience. Discuss how you would work through the lens of cultural humility to interact and engage with the client. Additionally, discuss the following:
How to position yourself as a learner and the client as the expert
How to have open and direct conversations about cultural differences with the client
Describe what culturally responsive approaches you would use in your intervention at all levels of the client system — individual, family, school, community, social support systems, and society — to advocate for change.

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