Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button”

Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button”

Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button”

Assignment 4: You need to change the ending of the given story and write your own ending!  See the steps to the task”

1.  Read the short story: Story_ “Button, Button” .pdf Download Story_ “Button, Button” .pdf 

By the way there is a movie version of this story too ( the content details are a bit different from the original story, but it will be fun/ great to watch it in addition to reading the story.

The movie is  called THE BOX (2009) featuring Cameron Diaz as the main character)

You will use the STORY ( above) for this assignment not the Movie! 

2.  Let’s think a different ending for this story. Imagine, right before pushing the button, Norma notices a piece of paper next to the button unit. It was a short letter from her husband Arthur, where he was persuading her not to push the button.  So, write your version of Arthur’s persuasive letter – a letter that made Norma change her mind and give up on $50, 000.  

If you were Arthur in that story, what would you write ?

3. Type 1 page persuasive letter from Arthur for Norma to stop her urge of pushing the button.

***Use your creativity and knowledge of persuasion – give yourself the freedom to create the letter- you do not need to state any of persuasive terms we learned- that’s your knowledge- just give the freedom to your creativity, and your knowledge of persuasion will work into it by itself, so do not focus on what we have learned to use, simply compose the letter- You can do it! 

D4: Rhetorical Appeal in Ads

Discussion 4:  Rhetorical Appeal in Advertisements:

Reading the Visuals/ ads: Consider the 5 Advertisement images below. 

Consider the Handout on Rhetorical Appeals  Download Handout on Rhetorical Appeals in Advertisements   ( *click on this highlighted part to access the handout.)

The TASK:  Identifying appeals for 5 ads and explain- 3 points each = 15 points

State which rhetorical appeal is used for each ad: Ethos, Pathos, or Logos.    (For example: Ad 1 uses ……; Ad2 uses…….)

Then, for EACH ad briefly (in 2-3 sentences) explain why you think so.

(You do not need to comment on other students’ posts, but I do encourage to see how your classmates explain the use of the Rhetorical Appeals for each of these ads. So, you do not need to comment but you can “Like” any and as many of your peers’ post! 

Here are the images of 5 advertisements Download images of 5 advertisements(see the images below/ it may take a bit of time to open, or click on the  document below to open the images as a document)

Ad 1: Sanibreeze Air Refresher        Ad 2: Pruvia Protein Bars       Ad 3: Stimcom Hip Replacer       Ad 4:  Cheaper Paper Depot         Ad 5:   Vistle Cat Food

Answer preview for Your Ending for the Story “Button, Button”


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