Financial Business Overview

Financial Business Overview

  • Download the quarterly reports (10Q) for Deere & Company by completing the following:
    • Click to expand last year’s set of statements under the “Quarterly Earnings & Events” header in the middle of the page.
  • Download the appropriate quarter earnings 10Q (“News Release and Financials”). Use the following information to determine the specific quarter for which you should download:
    • If this course’s start date is in January through February, download last year’s Quarter 1 financial statements (e.g., 1Q Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows).
    • If this course’s start date is in March through June, download last year’s Quarter 2 financial statements (e.g., 2Q Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows).
    • If this course’s start date is in July through September, download last year’s Quarter 3 financial statements (e.g., 3Q Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows).
    • If this course’s start date is in October through December, download last year’s Quarter 4 financial statements (e.g., 4Q Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows).
  • Download the annual report for Deere & Company by completing the following.
    • Select the “Show Archived Annual Reports” button under the Annual Report & Proxy Statement header toward the bottom of the page.
    • Download the annual report from two years ago from the drop-down menu.

One critical component of financial analysis involves comparing a firm’s financial statements with other firms in the industry. Through such a comparison, financial managers can reveal useful information about risks, investment opportunities, market indicators, and economic factors.

Throughout this course, you have been researching and analyzing various financial statements for Deere & Company. For this Final Paper, you will culminate your analysis with an in-depth comparison of Deere & Company and Caterpillar Inc.

In your project, you will complete the following items based on the files you previously downloaded:

  • Examine the four primary financial statements for each firm and address the following:
    • Shareholder Equity:
      • Calculate the shareholder equity for each firm.
  • Calculate the following ratios and provide a trend analysis on each company: 
    • ROI analysis
    • Ratio analysis, to include the following ratios (please be sure to show calculations): 
      • Profit margin 
      • Return on assets 
      • Return on equity 
      • Receivable turnover 
      • Average collection period 
      • Inventory turnover 
      • Current ratio 
      • Working capital 
      • Debt-to-total assets 
      • Debt-to-equity 
      • Earnings per share 
      • Price to earnings ratio 
    • Create a horizontal, vertical, and trend analysis of the Income statement and Balance Sheet.
  • Compare and contrast the two firms in the context of the global economy, noting which types of cultural differences might impact each firm as it does business in other countries.
    • Include examples to illustrate your point.
  • Compare and contrast each firm’s global strategic plan based on the information in the annual report from two years ago.
  • Propose which company would be better to invest in, based on the above comparisons. Your proposal should include the key metrics you used to make your decision.

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