Should students have to wear school uniforms

Should students have to wear school uniforms

  1. Choose any controversial topic that you want. The important part is that it has at least two points of view. I highly suggest that you check out 2. Find about three or four reasons to support each side of the argument. Again ptscgisi gig C-0 is awesome for this. 3. Organize your paper into four paragraphs 1. Paragraph 1: Introduction 2. Paragraph 2: Pro or con 3. Paragraph 3: Pro or con 4. Paragraph 4: Conclusion 4. If you want to write an unbiased comparison, it doesn’t matter whether you start with pro or con. However, if you have an opinion on the topic, you want to put the side you agree with in the third paragraph. 5. Don’t forget to include a reference!

Should students have to wear school uniforms?

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