A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma

A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma

Details: Review the supplemental video “A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma ” listed in the Topic 3 Resources and summarize in one paragraph (4-6 sentences) the meaning the client ascribes to their lived experiences as it pertains to the themes identified in the reading. Then write a script of the dialog between you and the client ensuring you note how you are attending to the clients’ emotions. Identify opportunities for empathic questioning about the client’s desire to live, contrasted with the client’s desire to die. Include a summary statement that you would use to ensure you are maintaining rapport, conveying empathy, and attending to the clients need for meaning and purpose. Include at least one scholarly source to support your response. Cite any scholarly references accordingly using in-text citations and a reference list.

Please, see the video below
APA PsycTherapy Title – A Meaning-Making Approach to Work With Trauma [Split Screen] (oclc.org)

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