The Role of Government and the Impact of Politics

The Role of Government and the Impact of Politics

Details: The role of government in the economy is often debated by economists and businesspeople. The debate ranges from having little to no government intervention to having a strong government presence in both business and social settings.

Research and identify two government agencies, departments, or regulations where the government is heavily involved in the economy that you agree are helpful and necessary. Then, research and identify two government agencies, departments, or regulations where the government is involved in the economy, and you disagree that involvement is necessary. Rather, in these cases, you believe the free market would be better. Be specific in your selected government agencies, departments, or regulations. It may be possible to use the same government agency, department, or regulation for both sides. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may have regulations or interventions that you both agree and disagree with. Since EPA is used here as an example, do not use it in your assignment.

For each selected example (four total),

Assess the government intervention, providing the pros and cons.
Discuss whether you agree with the government intervention and provide facts to support your opinion.
Explain thoroughly and support your rationale.
Critique the influence of the political process (for example, lobbying) for each of your examples.

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