How the pt/pta may provide culturally competent care

How the pt/pta may provide culturally competent care

A. Explain methods of effectively providing an in-service to others. B. Give an effective oral presentation on a topic related to this course. In this project, the student will complete a presentation by video educating an audience of at least 3 people on a topic regarding physical therapy. A student may select a topic of his/her choice c presentation. regarding physical therapy, however this to ic must be as ‘roved b the instructor :or to the (How the pt/pta may provide culturally competent care)
General Guidelines • The student should choose a topic that is of interest and value to the chosen audience. • This presentation will be at least 7-10 minutes in length. • Students should assess the audience knowledge of the topic as well as their comprehension of the topic during the presentation. • At least 2 visual aides should be used during the presentation. • At least 2 reputable resources need to be cited at the end of the presentation. **Please see the rubric for further details and requirements regarding this presentation.

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