Interactions and Social Media

Interactions and Social Media

These discussion questions will encourage you to critically analyze the influence of marketing and advertising, explore the portrayal of violence in media, and examine the role of social media in both contexts. By considering relevant theories and evaluating the impact on individuals and society, students can better understand the dynamics between media, marketing, and societal perceptions.

Choose ONE of the following options.

Option 1: Marketing/Advertising

  1. Reflecting on Advertising Influence
  2. Recall a memorable advertisement you have encountered and analyze its effectiveness.
  3. Why does this particular advertisement stand out to you? What elements made it catchy or effective in your opinion?
  4. Identify relevant theories that can be applied to explain the success or impact of this advertisement.
  5. Multi-Media Presence and Social Media Impact
  6. Explore whether the advertisement you selected is available in various media formats, such as commercials, posters, or online platforms.
  7. From a social media perspective, assess whether the advertisement succeeded in terms of reach, engagement, or viral sharing.
  8. Discuss any hashtags associated with the advertisement and evaluate their effectiveness in enhancing its visibility or engagement.
  9. Diversity Representation in Advertising
  10. Analyze whether the chosen advertisement celebrates diversity or inclusivity. If the advertisement promotes diversity, describe how it accomplishes this and its potential impact on viewers. If the advertisement lacks diversity, suggest ways in which it could have been more inclusive and representative.
  11. Persuasiveness and Long-Term Branding
  12. Assess whether the advertisement alone would persuade you to buy the product or service it promotes, considering its content, messaging, and effectiveness.
  13. Investigate the brand’s evolution over the years, including changes in marketing strategies and tactics.
  14. Discuss the brand’s alignment with current societal trends and examine whether their advertisements from 10+ years ago are still relevant or need updating.
  15. Analyze how the psychology of marketing, advertising, and social media has influenced the evolution and perception of this product or brand.

Option 2: Violence in the Media

  1. Defining Violence
  2. Share your personal definition of violence in the context of media content, considering both explicit and implicit portrayals.
  3. Reflect on how the perception of violence may vary among individuals based on personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, or other factors.
  4. Violence in Social Media
  5. Discuss whether you believe violence is prevalent across various forms of social media platforms. Provide examples.
  6. Evaluate the appropriateness and realism of TV and video game ratings and their descriptions. Identify any concerns or issues you observe.
  7. Analysis of Chosen Media
  8. Select a song, TV show, video game, or movie that portrays violence and provide a description and analysis of its depiction. What types of violence are being portrayed? Examine the rating assigned to the media and articulate whether you agree or disagree with it, providing reasons to support your viewpoint. (Check out the ratings for TV and video games here).
  9. Impact and Message of Violence
  10. Explore the potential impact of the chosen media’s portrayal of violence on its audience. Analyze the underlying messages or themes conveyed through the depiction of violence and discuss their implications.
  11. Consider the broader societal context and cultural influences that shape the perception and acceptance of violence in media.

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