How Has This Class Changed Your Social Media Usage

How Has This Class Changed Your Social Media Usage

Throughout this course, we have explored a wide range of topics, including theories, advertisements, violence, crime, families, health, and more. Reflect on the following questions and provide thorough answers:

  1. How has your social media use changed since the beginning of the class? Describe your social media habits and behaviors at the start of the course compared to the present.
  2. In what ways has this course influenced or impacted your social media usage? If there have been no changes, what steps have you taken to increase your awareness of social media usage around you?
  3. Have you encountered any theories or course material that directly relate to your current social media experience? If so, what are they and how have they influenced your understanding?
  4. What valuable lessons or insights have you gained from this course? Discuss the key takeaways or significant learnings that have shaped your understanding of social media and its impact on society.
  5. Among the various topics covered in the course, which one resonated with you the most? Additionally, share your favorite assignment from the course. Conversely, discuss the topic or assignment that least appealed to you and suggest potential improvements.
  6. Have you shared any information or knowledge gained from the course with your family or friends? If yes, provide examples of what you shared and the impact it had. If not, explain the reasons behind not sharing and if there are any barriers preventing you from doing so.
  7. Describe your final project and the research you conducted. What did you learn or discover through this research process? Share any significant findings or insights that emerged from your final project.

For your response post, engage with a classmate who has had either a similar or vastly different experience from yours. Share your thoughts on their responses and provide at least one example or anecdote to support your viewpoint. Engaging in this dialogue will help broaden perspectives and foster a deeper understanding of the course material and its influence on individuals’ social media usage.

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