Global Christian History

Global Christian History

Getting Started
Now that you have an idea of the history of this time period through your
reading and watching the video, it is time to read and analyze primary
readings from this area. A primary reading is something that was written
during the time you are looking at. So if we were looking at the history of
the United States, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution,
the newspapers, and the letters of John Adams are all primary
documents. Latter works written about that period are secondary sources.
Our textbook has both. Most of it is a secondary source, but the author
includes 3 primary readings in textboxes at the end of most chapters. For
this assignment, you will engage one of the primary readings from this
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
Engage a primary text in a way that they can both raise and answer
questions about the text.
Douglas Jacobsen, Global Gospel: An Introduction to Christianity on Five Continents (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2015) ISBN: 978-
Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning
your grade.
Read the following:
Jacobson, “African Theology: Tutu” p. 65,
In a word document INCLUDE the following three sections:

  1. Reading the Text (up to 15 points)
    Read the following text carefully and include your notes in the
    assignment. Look for keywords and phrases, recurring themes, structural

relationships, confusing claims, etc. At a minimum, the first page of
this paper should consist of your notes. Part of the professor’s
evaluation will be the physical evidence of your engagement with the text.

  1. Asking Questions of the Text (up to 30 points)
    To get you started, the first question the reading has already been
    supplied (see Background question). In addition, you will ask 3 more
    questions about the text. Some of these may be questions of clarification

    (e.g., what does this word or phrase mean?), but make sure the majority
    are substantive questions. Do not ask questions to which the answer is
    already obvious to you. Also, do not ask questions that judge the text.
    The goal is for you to explore and learn more about the theology of the
    person you are studying. Here is the first supplied question:
  2. Background question: Who is the author of the text? Briefly describe
    the historical context in which they are writing.
    Answering Questions (up to 30 points)
  3. Compose brief answers to each of the four questions (one
    provided) and your additional three questions. You are free to use
    external resources (books, web, people, etc.), but be sure to do so
    critically. If you quote or reference such a source, be sure to

    properly cite it. But the purpose is for you to interact with the text for
    yourself. The professor will not be looking for correct answers, but
    for thoughtful attempts to answer questions.
    You may tweak your questions in light of your reflection and research, but
    be sure to address all of the four questions (including the one already
    supplied). There is no strict length requirement, but your answer to each
    question should be between one and two paragraphs, for a total of
    between four and eight paragraphs. Be sure to use proper grammar,
    style, syntax, citation, etc.

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