Medication Brochure – Patient education

Medication Brochure – Patient education

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to synthesize pharmacological knowledge (i.e., core drug knowledge, core patient variables, and nursing implications) of pharmacotherapeutic agents into a useful teaching and learning tool for nurses and patients.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Apply the concepts of pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenomics
to the use of specific medication classifications in specific health conditions and in consideration of medication
side/adverse effects, nursing implications, and medication teaching. (POs 1, 2, and 3)
CO2: Apply principles of health promotion, as well as illness and injury prevention, to promote safety and
effectiveness of commonly used pharmacologic therapy across the lifespan, taking into consideration
sociocultural, genetic/genomic, developmental, and gender implications. (POs 3 and 8)
CO3: Utilize the nursing process in understanding the effects of drug therapy on health outcomes across the
lifespan within the framework of a diverse population of individuals, families, and communities. (PO 4)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies
to this assignment.
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

  1. Choose a pharmacological agent that has been on the market less than 5 years.
  2. Research the literature and obtain two to three resources for current, evidence-based information related to the
    pharmacological agent.
  3. Develop a teaching brochure and one page paper following these guidelines.
    a. Brochure for nurses- Focus on nurses for literacy level
  • Key/Relevant Drug Information (30 points/30%)
    o Drug Class
    o Mechanism of Action
    o Drug Administration and Dosage
    o Drug Interactions
    o Lab effects/interference
  • Patient Education Considerations (35 points/35%)
    o Nursing Management
    o Patient Education Considerations (special considerations)- provide examples specific to client age
    needs- geriatric, pediatric and pregnant client
    o Patient Assessment
    o Side Effects/Adverse Effects/Toxicities
    o Special considerations- provide examples specific to client age needs- geriatric, pediatric, and pregnant
    o Visual Effects/Creativity (10 points/10%)
    o Developed per the required standard
    o Appropriate for the intended audience (focus on nurses for literacy level)
    o Graphics enhance the purpose of the brochure
    o Brochure is visually appealing
    b. One Page Paper (15 points/15%)
  • Describes intended use of brochure (focus on nurses for literacy level)
  • Includes:
    o Name
    o Date
    o Class
    o Reference page
  • Describe how brochure information would be revised if intended brochure audience had a low health
    literacy level.
    c. APA Format (5 points/5%)
  • Includes no more than 3 unique errors with APA format (current ed.)
  • At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided
    d. Writing and Mechanics (5 points/5%)
  • Clearly written
  • Includes no more than three unique errors of grammar
  • Includes no more than three unique errors in writing mechanics
  • Paper is one page, excluding references and title page

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