Asian Christianity

Asian Christianity

You will turn in your third (of four) papers on the history of Christianity in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. You will complete a
shorter paper (3-pages) on each of these continents in Workshops Two, Three, and Four, and a longer paper on one of them (your
choice) in Workshop Five.

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will be able to:
 Outline the history of Asia including key people, places, and events.

Douglas Jacobsen, Global Gospel: An Introduction to Christianity on Five Continents (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic,
2015) ISBN: 978-0-8010-4993-4

Based on your reading of Douglas Jacobson chapter on Asia in Global Gospel: An Introduction to Christianity on Five
Continents (pp. 146-187) and your research of both primary and secondary sources on Asian Christianity, write a short history of
Asian Christianit
y in a three-page paper through which you formulate a thesis (argument) expressing your view on how Christianity developed on the continent of Asia.

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