History and business of Southwest Airlines

History and business of Southwest Airlines

Research the history and business model of Southwest Airlines. Based upon your research, detail how and why Southwest has grown to become one of the nation’s largest passenger airlines. Compare the Southwest model to its competitors. What are its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Based upon your research, do you believe Southwest has a long-term competitive advantage? If so, why. If not, why? Depending upon your opinion, what steps should Southwest take to maintain their commercial viability in the future. Be advised, this is not a report on Southwest. This assignment is a critical analysis of your research. Please keep this in mind while developing your paper. Students are required to use APA Style for their references and sentence structure. For APA resources and examples, see the following hyperlink: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl, . Additionally, course files and links are provided to assist you with APA.

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