Applying Motivational Theory

Applying Motivational Theory

Develop a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint proposal for using motivational theories to focus employees on achieving organizational goals, while meeting their individual needs. Integrate a plan through which you will assess employee development to develop efficacy of the workforce. Provide sufficient information on the slides and include speaker notes to communicate full ideas.

Introduction. Start with a hook, establish a theme, state objectives, and explain the approach.
Opportunity. Explain the opportunity you see in applying motivation theory to improve the talent management cycle at your workplace.
Theories. Define and analyze the following motivational theories. Compare the pros and cons of each for motivating employee performance in your workplace.

Needs Theory
Expectancy Theory
Attribution Theory
Goal-Setting Theory
Recommendations. Select 2 theories that you recommend for improving employee performance. Justify your selection.
Application. Explain how you will apply each of the 2 selected theories for the following employee programs
Training and Development
Leadership Development
Performance Management
Assessment. Explain the strategic assessment process managers will implement to assess employee performance. Include the following:
Alignment with organizational goals
Performance standards and measurements
Methods for communicating and reinforcing performance standards
Manager’s expectations for coaching, reinforcing, and realigning employees with expectations
Conclusion. Summarize key points like the closing argument in a legal case and leave the audience with a final thought or challenge.
References. Support your recommendations with research from at least 2 peer-reviewed sources, including the course text and library readings.

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