My Learning and Personality Essay

My Learning and Personality Essay

Attached Files:

My Learning and Personality Profile – Assignment #2 (50 points)

(Revised Spring 2018)

Self-awareness is the tool we use to help us gain valuable information about how to be successful in school, on-the-job, and in life in general. Self-awareness is the process of paying attention to yourself from different angles. We have already explored your dreams and goals for the future—an important first step. Now, let’s explore the different sides of you: Your learning style and personality. We are going to put this all together to consider how we can build on your strengths and improve any weaknesses. All of these assessments will help us to gain valuable information about how to be a success in college but, also what course of study and career is right for us!

For this project you will need to complete each of the two assessments listed below prior to the class (specific dates to be announced). You will understand your learning profile better if you can discuss your results in class.


1. Your Learning Style: VARK – (handouts)

2. Your Personal Preferences – Based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Chapter 12-pp. 209- 214, (handouts)

3. Temperaments (Keirsey): Chapter 12-pp. 215-218 (handouts)


1. Complete the Learning Profile Matrix (handout) This is a summary of your assessment results. Complete the assessment on Personal Preferences (Personality)

2. Complete the packet on exploring the results of the assessments (handouts).

This packet is designed to help you think about the assessment results as you prepare to write your reflection paper.

3. Complete the reflection paper (+400 to 500 words minimum)

More on the Reflection Paper:

In detail, (1) describe your learning strengths based on the assessment results and how you currently use/apply these strengths in school; (2) Describe your learning weaknesses and create a plan for how you might overcome these weaknesses; (3) Offer a conclusion about what you have learned about yourself during this project. How has your thinking changed about who you are as a learner? How does this information help me in terms of my career choice/direction? Also identify the preferences (personality) shown on your assessment and record the results. Describe your preferences as shown and say if you agree with the MBTI Personality assessment results and why.

Learning Profile: Information Matrix (Read Ch. 12 to gain more helpful information as you complete the chart)

VARK Learning Styles

Strongest 2: __________________


Weakest 2: ___________________



My Type

(4 letters in correct order)






Strengths associated with this assessment/inventory

*My preferences

Weaknesses associated with the assessment/inventory

  • Characteristics I need to work on
Learning strategies associated with this assessment/inventory that fitwith my profile

    • Ones I either currently use or might want to develop

Grading Rubric (Guide) for “My Learning Profile” Paper, Due ___________________________


60 Percent

Points Earned


Additional Comments:
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.

  • The paper will be 350 words minimum in length (2 to 3 pages).
  • The paper discusses the results of each assessment: VARK, MBTI, Temperaments
  • Key terms are defined and explained (with examples when appropriate)
  • Examples of personal strengths and weaknesses are given with particular attention to applications (studying strategies, college major, and career choice).
  • Conclusion offers some personal reflections on how the learning profile project was useful/helpful for a new college student

20 Percent

Points Earned


Additional Comments:
The paper has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow.
The paper is directed to the appropriate audience.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and is reflective in nature.
Transitions between sections aid in maintaining the flow of thought.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

20 Percent

Points Earned


Additional Comments:
The paper format is consistent with directions given (double spaced, 12pt font, etc.)
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page (where needed).
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and varied.
Spelling is correct.

100 Percent

Points Earned


Additional Comments:



Solution Preview
According to the assessment, my learning strengths include the use of a printed word to convey and receive information, use of experience and things that are real even when shown on screens or in pictures and practical lessons. The use of printed words is an important learning approach as it…
(670 Words)
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