anthropology writing -02

anthropology writing -02

Writing requirement:

Various articles this week have posited that gender is a cultural construction. This week’s discussion will be divided into three parts. First, in one paragraph need to state your agreement or disagreement with gender as a cultural construction different than biological sex. In the following paragraph you should describe how gender is or isn’t constructed or performed. This paragraph must be supported using two readings. In the next paragraph you need to describe how masculine norms are upheld through the ideal of science. You must also use two readings for this paragraph. You need to cite the readings according to your discipline including the last name of the author and page number of the edited volume we are reading. For example, (Counihan, 183). Finish with a short concluding statement.

In summary, please construct three paragraphs. The first on your agreement or disagreement over gender as a cultural construct separate from biology. No readings have to be cited here. Next you need to describe using two readings how gender is constructed (or isn’t if you decided that gender isn’t a cultural construct). The next paragraph should describe how science and constructions of masculinity are related using citations from two readings. The final paragraph can be short but should include a statement of your argument and supporting evidence.

Here is all this week’s reading. No outside resources needed!!!! only use the resources that I provided.

“The Overcooked and Underdone” –T.J.M. Holden. FCR 119-137.“Domestic Divo?”

–Rebecca Swenson. FCR 137-153.“Japanese Mothers and Obentos”

–Anne Allison. FCR 154-172.

“Mexicanas’ Food Voice and Differential Consciousness” –

Carole Counihan. FCR 173-186.

“Feeding Hard Bodies”

–Fabio Parasecoli. FCR 284-298.

“Toward a Psychosociology of Contemporary Food Consumption”

–Roland Barthes. FCR 23-30.“Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgmentof Taste”

–Pierre Bourdieu. FCR 31-39.“On the Move for Food”

–Deborah Barndt. FCR 472-484. “The Political Economy of Obesity”

–Alice Julier. FCR. 546-563.“Want Amid Plenty” –

Janet Poppendieck. FCR 563-571.

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Solution Preview

Anthropology Writing

            Gender is a social construction, thus different from sex. The latter refers to a person’s biological features, with genital elements differentiating individuals’ sexes. However, gender is based on a person’s internal awareness. It is what a person is expected to do and behave due to the assigned gender. For this reason, there are certain instances when the assigned sex does not align with gender. This is because gender-related features are not biological. Also, there are certain situations when a person’s biological sex attributes complicate the sex assignment, thus making the person to referred to as intersex.

(480 words)

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