three questions that i want to be answered based on files that i posted,(each question has different source in files)
1. What decisions are determined if any? Why? Give an example. What decisions are genuinely free if any and why? Give an example.
Solomon on Freedom week 9 p. 231-242
2.What are the 2 principles of justice for John Rawls? What policy could reduce inequality? Does this policy interfere with individual liberty? If so or if not, why is that the case?
Solomon on Justice week 11 p. 294-297
3. Given the egocentric predicament how can we know if there is an external world or not? If so, how? If not, why not?
Solomon on Self Week 7 p.194-196 and Truth Week 13 p. 152-154, 168-169
I upload three files down here with the specific name that you can use as source.
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Question One
Freedom is considered to be the most important thing to a human being. A person may be willing to face death for the sake of liberty. One must be able to make autonomous decisions without being coerced or forced to do something. Liberty to a man is unmeasurable and cannot be quantified. When it comes to philosophy, freedom is also the prerequisite for moral responsibility, and it’s also a requirement for one to live a good life. According to Bergmann, we have a schizophrenic view of freedom
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