During the early 2000s Microsoft
Note: One article is from wikipedia (do not reference it in any of your work) only used for quick information.
Revisiting History
During the early 2000s Microsoft was under a microscope for having a monopoly. The case was settled (see wikipedia >Settlement)
Review the below links:
United Stated vs. Microsoft Corp.
NSA and CIA Backdoor
Answer the following:
What are your thoughts on what you have read?
Do you believe that your privacy rights have been or currently violated?
Do you think that hackers have found the backdoor?
How would you protect your infrastructure against a backdoor?
Any other thoughts?
Must be original and in APA format.
Solution Preview
Microsoft’s Antitrust Case
The NSA and CIA backdoor case illustrates that technology companies, such as Microsoft violate their clients’ privacy by allowing government agencies to access their servers. As such, security departments, such as the NSA, monitor people’s conversations on social media platforms, like Skype and Outlook.com.
(417 words)