why do nations fail? why do nations succeed
no plagiarism,Position paper: comment critically on the text from the book. You may reed chapter 4 as well!
Provide examples!
2-3 pages, times new roman 12 pts, 1.5 lines spacing
Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson-Why nations fail_ the origins of power, prosperity, and poverty-Profile Books (2012) (1).epubhttps://e-edu.nbu.bg/pluginfile.php/739189/mod_resource/content/5/Daron%20Acem
Note: This is an e-book. You will need an e-book reader to open and access it. There are plenty of such free programs available both for PC and Mac.
Solution Preview
Why Do Nations Fail?
For Robinson and Acemoglu, the primary explanation behind why nations collapse or succeeded is related to functioning a structure of their fundamental institutions. Concretely they proceed a step ahead to compared to other theorists claiming that possessing the effective monopoly of ferocity or even the capability to establish a domineering coalition is not sufficient.
(941 words)