Apoptosis Worksheet
This worksheet is designed to have you review some of the fundamental aspects of programmed cell death (apoptosis) as covered in class. Please go through and answer the questions on the worksheet using the resources from class (your textbook, slides/learning objectives, the video and the MOMP document) This should comprehensively prepare you to answer questions on this third hallmark of cancer.
MOMP document
20191115215040apoptosis_assignment_bios_450_1_ (2) (1)
Solution Preview
Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a comprehensive pathway that plays a role in our development and tissue maintenance, but becomes corrupted and disarmed in cancer. The following questions directly relate to apoptosis and its underlying mechanisms, as well as its corruption in cancer biology.
1. Name three cellular features of apoptosis: Blebbing, Organelle Fragmentation and Nuclear Fragmentation.
2. The apoptotic cell death pathway is energy- dependent; such investment avoids undesirable consequences of “messier” forms of cell death such as necrosis,
(730 words)