write essay about the museum
Museum Paper- take research notes for a two (2) page minimum paper covering the following topics: the production process of steel making, welfare capitalism, unions and safety, and Black Monday. I will send more information.
This is the last essay and we’ll be done with the class. it is Museum Paper- Each student is responsible for a visit to the Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor (a YSU affiliate) to view and take research notes for a two (2) page minimum papercovering the following topics: the production process of steel making, welfare capitalism, unions and safety, and Black Monday.
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Some block coals were discovered in Youngstown in 1845. The block coals had the advantage of being used in making iron furnaces because they were from quality ore, and they did not require to be converted into coke. The place was vibrant with quality iron ore, and this turned Youngstown into an industrial town (High, 2018). A museum was built in Youngstown, which gives a view of steel and iron industry work that used to be done in Youngstown
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