Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory Care, Long Term Care, and Mental Health Services
Subject: Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory Care, Long Term Care, and Mental Health Services
Format: APA
Number of sources: 4
Number of pages: 3
Spacing: double spaced
Topic: Non-Hospital Entities : Ambulatory Care, Long Term Care, and Mental Health Services
Details: Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory Care, Long Term Care, and Mental Health Services
Given the increasing longevity of Americans and the costs of providing long-term care, anticipation of the costs should be a major element of every family’s financial planning. Current information suggests however, that very few families or individuals give this consideration. What factors might impede this advance planning? What measures might be effective in raising awareness among Americans about this important matter?
Identify the major factors that have resulted in the shift in utilization from inpatient hospitalization to ambulatory care services. What are the implications of this shift for hospitals, consumers, and the health care delivery system as a whole?
The recipients of mental health services in the US represent only a small percentage of those in need of services. Discuss the factors that impede access to mental illness treatment.
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Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory Care, Long Term Care, and Mental Health Services
Investing in a particular plan intended to address potential future challenges is critical to anyone’s success. Just as organizations invest in strategic plans to outline the directions they wish to take, individuals invest in plans on their perceptions of the future.
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