Discuss unique aspects of emergency preparedness in children.

Discuss unique aspects of emergency preparedness in children.


Weeks Two -Children and Disasters


Numerous recent and past mass casualty events and disasters have taught us – often painfully – that children truly are a special needs population. From the size of their bodies, to the emotional dependence on others, children present challenges for planners and responders.

Weekly Objectives:

Discuss unique aspects of emergency preparedness in children.
Discuss the emotional impact in children.
Choose the most important change you think should be made for children in disasters.
Compare routine and MCI triage of children.

Reading Assignments

National Commission on Children and Disasters, 2010 Report found at http://archive.ahrq.gov/prep/nccdreport

Discussion Bored Questions

1. After reading the commission report on children in disasters, choose the most difficult topic to solve and identify why.

2. Having read the Commission report, describe the unique aspects that must be considered when doing emergency planning and response for children.

Remember to search resources beyond this paper and list those references.

– APA Style

– Kindly, answer all discussion questions clearly and completely.

– Use your thoughts on answer.

– It is not enough to simply quote others work. I am interested in reading your thoughts on the topic.

– At least 3 references.


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Discuss unique aspects of emergency preparedness in children.


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