What was the estimate damages (costs), or potential damage for this hack/incident/vulnerability?

What was the estimate damages (costs), or potential damage for this hack/incident/vulnerability?

Do online research and answer 2 questions ( minimum 200 words each question)

Topic:San Francisco Rail System Hack (2016)

Each team will be assigned a title/topic of a Cyber Security Incident. Each team will do online research pertaining to their assign incident. You’ll need to use multiple sources to get all your information

Question 1/ What was the estimate damages (costs), or potential damage for this hack/incident/vulnerability? Hint: Not all damage is monetary.

Question 2/ How does this hack/event affect you and how does it make you feel about cyber security?


Image preview for what was the estimate damages (costs), or potential damage for this hack/incident/vulnerability?

What was the estimate damages (costs) or potential damage for this hack incident vulnerability


614 words

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