What did you learn about the specific community or societal concern?
Subject: Civil Engagement Project
Format: APA
Number of sources: 9
Number of pages: 5
Spacing: double spaced
Topic: Civic Engagement
Details: **Revised outline of civil engagement project**
Due to COVID-19 Everything is to be done virtually! Choose ANY U.S. government meeting Two parts to assignment but both can be turned in at the same time.
PART 1 (50 Points)
Attend ANY government meeting in its entirety and submit a summary paragraph in at least 200 words.
Virtually attend ANY government meeting in its entirety.
Examples of Local Government Meetings in our area but again it can be ANY government meeting, it. does not have to be local.
Examples of local meetings
Pinellas County Government calendar: http://go.activecalendar.com/pinellascounty/
Hillsborough County Government Calendar: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/en/government/meeting-information/agendas-recaps-and-minutes
Provide a summary paragraph of the government meeting in at least 200 words.
The paragraph should specifically describe the type of the meeting and issues discussed in it. It should also discuss some reasons as to why civic engagement is important. Support this paragraph with one to two academic sources in proper APA citation format.
PART 2 (50 Points)
In this part, you are required to submit a reflection paper about the civic engagement experience in at least 1000 words.
NOTE: You must complete Part 1 of the assignment to receive credit for Part 2.
Requirements (you virtually attended a local government meeting in Part 1):
Your civic engagement reflection paper must be in at least 1000 words.
The penalty for not following the length requirement will range from 20% to 70%.
Describe the issue(s) debated in each meeting.
Describe how members of the government dealt with the issue(s).
Describe the process how the meeting was conducted.
Describe the presenting issue facing the community.
What did you learn about the specific community or societal concern?
What kinds of leadership and civic engagement did you witness?
Did you learn anything new about yourself after the experience?
Find two (2) articles/sources that discuss the significance and/or impact of civic/community engagement on the surrounding community
Briefly summarize the findings of the articles.
Answer the following question:
In your view, what is the most important aspect of civic engagement & what would you do to promote civic engagement to your friends & family?
Project Format
The length of your response paper must be of no less than 1000 words, excluding the title, abstract, and reference page(s).
Your project must be in double-spaced pages in a Microsoft Word Format, 12 font size, and 1(one) inch margins.
The project must be written in the APA Writing format.
See the following sample paper for more information about how your paper should look like structurally. https://depts.washington.edu/owrc/Handouts/Hacker-Sample%20APA%20Formatted%20Paper.pdf
The penalty for not following the APA writing format will range from 10% to 50%.
Your essay Turnitin originality report should not be higher than 30%.
Revise and resubmit your essay within the due date if it is necessary.
Penalties for not complying will range from 5% to 50% points.
Retrieving Turnitin Originality Reports in MyCourses Student Tutorial
Avoid copy-and-paste and unnecessary quotations.
Use paraphrasing instead of quoting.
You should use quotations only when the same idea cannot be stated differently or when doing so would diminish its academic value. The latter is not applicable in our case and the former is rarely needed.
Provide, when paraphrasing, in-text citations and references in the APA writing format.
Penalties for not providing in-text citations and/or references will range from 10% to 50% points.
See the following links for specific information on how to provide in-text citations and references.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlLIYxeGls (in-text citations)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiL4H09v0gU (quoting v. paraphrasing)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO9ABVfaLGE (Web citation)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8qGZkgnxSk (Article citation)
Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
A failing grade for the assignment and/or the course will be awarded pursuant to the SPC Academic Integrity Policy. https://go.spcollege.edu/AcademicHonesty/
A late paper will not be accepted unless the student has a documented emergency.
You must submit the paper in Word (.doc or .docx), .rtf or .pdf document format.
Part one and part two must be turned into separate drop boxes but both may be submitted the same day.
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