Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848?

Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848?



Format: APA

Number of sources: 2

Number of pages: 1

Spacing: double spaced


Details: Week 3 Discussion: Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War of 1846
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 8 (section 8.3), 11  OpenStax. (2019). U.S. history. OpenStax CNX. Retrieved from https://cnx.org/contents/p7ovuIkl@6.18:gMXC1GEM@7/Introduction
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following historical events:

The Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Missouri Compromise
Independence of Texas
Mexican War of 1846-1848
The California Gold Rush
Then, address the following for your selections:

Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848? Explain why.
Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two historical events that you chose from the list.


Image preview for which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848?

Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848


402 words



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