1.6 – Assignment: Identifying Research Problems and Hypotheses

1.6 – Assignment: Identifying Research Problems and Hypotheses

Use the Hunt Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. EAGLEsearch function to identify another “Scholarly-Peer Reviewed” article in your area of interest. Be sure that this article is a true research article, as outlined previously. This article must be different than the one used in the Module 1.5 discussion. Give a brief summary of the article – a paragraph or two will suffice.

Separately, identify the research problem and hypothesis (or hypotheses) in the study. Be sure to quote the research problem and hypothesis in proper APA format.

Next, answer the following questions:

Did the study shed light on how to better understand or correct the research problem? Why or why not?
How did the study answer or address the hypothesis? If so, was the hypothesis correct? Why or why not?
Include the appropriate APA formatted reference as it would appear in the reference section of an article.

Use standard file type (.doc or .docx). Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.





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The identified article is a survey on the factors affecting the implementation of computers in rural north-east Tennessee k-12 public schools. The article is written by Carl Steven Rapp and was presented to the East Tennessee state university, faculty of policy analysis and education leadership as a requirement for the awarding of a doctorate in education. This study aimed at examining the variables apparently affecting computer technology incorporation in rural schools, with the case of k-12 rural public schools in northeast Tennessee.

(541 words)

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