600-800 words write reading respond your thoughts about the readings
600-800 words write reading respond your thoughts about the readings
“”you can pick one reading or you could write about it all”” you can compare or write you thought
reading 1
reading 2
reading 3 is attached
Response Thoughts- The First Reading
The first reading about liberty and slavery from Thomas Jefferson introduces various aspects affect ting the lives of human beings. Jefferson helps in creating a new country based on the self-government and freedom of individuals. The aspirations of the nation are expressed in the Declaration of Independence. However, the declaration did not touch on other individuals. Individuals that were not affected by the independence declaration of living a happy and a liberty life were the indentured women or servants, and the African American.
Thomas Jefferson felt the opinions and interests of their people in the world. Creation of freedom to all individuals was meant to ensure that people in the world would live freely.