Adolf Hitler Case study

Adolf Hitler Case study


Adolph Hitler was a charismatic figure with remarkable oratory skills that he was able to use to unify the German people under his leadership by appealing to their sense of grievance over the outcome of WWI and the resulting conditions in Germany in the intervening period as well as to their pride in their nation and its history.

Read Hitler’s speech at the following link:

Address the following in a case study analysis:

  • What factors, both internal and external, does Hitler blame Germany’s problems on?
  • In what ways does he appeal to the nationalism of the German people?
  • What actions does he suggest that portend the measures that Germany will take in the coming decade, resulting in WWII and the Holocaust?
  • As a German, not knowing the measures that Germany will take and suffering from the conditions Hitler describes, how would you respond to this speech?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page

Case Study Grading Rubric – 100 pts

Case Study Grading Rubric – 100 pts

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
5.0 ptsMeets length requirement 0.0 ptsDoes not meet length requirement
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10.0 ptsPaper addresses all aspects of the assignment. 8.5 ptsPaper addresses most aspects of the assignment. 7.5 ptsPaper addresses some aspects of the assignment. 6.0 ptsPaper addresses few aspects of the assignment. 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
25.0 ptsThroughout the whole work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 22.0 ptsThroughout most of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 19.0 ptsThroughout some of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 15.0 ptsThroughout little of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective. 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport
20.0 ptsThroughout the whole work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 17.0 ptsThroughout most of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 15.0 ptsThroughout some of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 12.0 ptsThroughout little of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support. 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, and Style
20.0 ptsThroughout the whole work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety. 17.0 ptsThroughout most of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety. 15.0 ptsThroughout some of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety. 12.0 ptsThroughout little of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety. 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting
10.0 ptsThroughout the whole work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style. 8.5 ptsThroughout most of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style. 7.5 ptsThroughout some of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style. 6.0 ptsThroughout little of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style. 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Title Page & References Page
5.0 ptsPaper includes both title page and references page. 2.5 ptsPaper includes either a title page or references page. 0.0 ptsPaper does not include a title page or references page.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrimary Source Reference
5.0 ptsPaper includes reference to the primary source provided within the case study. 0.0 ptsPaper does not make reference to the primary source provided within the case study.
Total Points: 100.0




Solution Preview

Berlin: Proclamation to the German Nation, February 1, 1933

Internal and External Factors Affecting the Germans

            After the fourteen years of false assurance to the Germans by their adversaries, the Germans lost all their freedom and honour leading to hatred among the people, this was influenced by the internal and external factors which were affecting the Germans. Some of the internal factors that affected the Germans were personal opinions and ideological differences while the external differences that affected the Germans were the political opinions and economic interests. These internal and external factors brought about disunity, suppression and inequality among the Germans (Fischer, 2017). 

(743 words)

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