Alcoholism/Drug Addiction
A position and persuasively argue your point of view based on a researched material related to your topic. 6-7 pages, minimum of 8 diverse sources, books, periodicals, interview, newspaper, etc. with at least 4 Library databases: Proquest, CQ researcher, Lexisnexis Academic, Access WorldNews, Expandaded Academic ASAP, Oppossiving Viewpoints, etc.
my thesis is : Some people use alcohol for self-medication, which results in addiction. Therefore, the government should help provide information to them on other alternative medication options.
Solution PreviewHSE identifies alcohol as a legal sedative drug that changes the way we humans feel. Various reasons have resulted in people to turn into drug use ranging from social problems to the desire of feeling in a certain way. Despite this, people often use alcohol with an attempt to….
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