answer questions below
1. You know smart people who make poor decisions. Why do they do so? Use at least two examples.
2. Research the work of another behavior economist. What are their findings? How might you apply them?
3. Write a reflection paper on the experiments from Dan Ariely’s work. How could use some of the findings of Ariely’s experiments in your own life and work? Be specific. (5-6 pages)
Papers will comply with the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) style.
the link of the book :
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Dan Ariely’s work
Dan Ariely is a slogan professor at MIT. He is the professor of Behavioral Economics, and he holds a joint appointment between the slogan school management and MIT’s laboratory. He is a visiting professor at Duke University and also a prominent researcher at Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Ariely wrote this book while he was a member of the Institute of advanced study at Princeton. His work has appeared in very many leading journals and scientific institutions.
(1,545 words)