Write a 2.5-3.5 page essay that explains the Manet’s Olympia (1863).

Write a 2.5-3.5 page essay that explains the Manet’s Olympia (1863).

Make sure you scroll down this dialogue box to see the entire prompt, which includes defining terms and 1 essay. YOU SHOULD ONLY USE THE READINGS AND LECTURES AND THE BASIS OF YOUR ANSWERS. DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES.

Please define and explain these terms in detail (a short paragraph for each), and give one example for each:

Hortus conclusus:
Venus coelestus/Venus vulgaris:
Memento mori
Quadra riportato
Salon des Refuses

Your essay should include all relevant information from your text, reserve readings and lectures. You should presume that you are writing these to a fellow class member who has some base of knowledge but missed the material in question, and to help them out, you are summarizing and explaining the culture and the art—with every specific detail you can include.

Format: double spaced, 12 point font, 1″ margins; please submit as a PDF or Word .doc file.

1. Please write a 2.5-3.5 page essay that explains the Manet’s Olympia (1863). Use the appropriate art historical vocabulary (use the terminology employed in the text and lectures).Your essay should include:

a) All relevant details about the culture that produced it (its “context”).

b) A discussion of “modernism” in general, and how this work exemplifies modern painting in particular.

c) How this work critiques the tradition of the female nude.

d) A careful formal analysis of the work.

e) A thorough discussion of the imagery.


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Write a 2.5-3.5 page essay that explains the Manet's Olympia (1863).


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