Article Analysis

Article Analysis

use any of these:

Jeanne Theoharis, “‘They Told Us Our Kids Were Stupid’: Ruth Batson and the Educational Movement in Boston”

Jonathan Kozol, excerpt from Death at an Early Age

John Updike, Marching through Boston” (Blackface! Minstrel Shows“Yes Sir, Mr. Bones” video clip recommended for context)


Noel Day, “The Freedom Movement in Boston

Web sites: “Boston Before Busing“; “Martin Luther King March on Boston Flyer and Brochure“; and “Studying Struggle and Sacrifice

Jeremy Wolff, “A Timeline of Boston School Desegregation, 1961-1985

Newspaper articles on resegregation of Boston public schools: Evan Horowitz, “If Segregation Ended 60 Years Ago, How Come It’s Getting Worse?” (Boston Globe); Nicole Hemmer, “Separate and Unequal, All over Again” (U.S. News and World Report); “Study: Segregation in Springfield, Boston Schools among Worst in Nation” (MassLive)

instructions (4)

Solution Preview

According to this reading, public schools in Springfield and Boston are the among the nation’s most racially segregated schools based on a new study by the Northeastern University. Based on this statement, we see that the main theme of this reading….

(350 Words)

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