Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Module 8: Personality Components and Disorders

 For the next few days we will be looking into the field of Personality Psychology. We all identify ourselves in various ways, but do we actually know what it is we are identifying? What is personality? What makes personality abnormal? What is the difference between abnormal personality and exceptional personality? Does abnormality automatically mean a diagnosis is necessary… 

Think about these questions and ideas as you go through the following activities: 

Read DSM Section on Personality Disorders (pp 645 – 684) *Refer to Textbook and Materials

Read the text book (provided below & in the Textbook Resources Tab) (Molinaro & St Pete College, 2019).  

Review the power point (provided below). 

       *Complete a Discussion Reflection on the questions asked above. Be sure to incorporate actual traits, as listed in the big five (cite the text and DSM please). Find an outside journal article on abnormalities and or exceptionalities in personality. Discuss how that article portrays personality and what is says about abnormalities or exceptionalities in personality (again, cite appropriately please, APA 7th edition). This discussion is to be completed in the discussion forum, components to abnormality. Post a new thread in the personality section. 


Using the questions presented in the module description, complete a post which also incorporates the 5 personality traits, as listed in the big five. You must also find an outside journal article on abnormalities and/ or exceptionalities in personality. Discuss how that article portrays personality and what is says about abnormalities or exceptionalities in personality. Please cite that article fully including the link. 

All citations and references must be listed in APA 7th edition format. 

For this discussion you must also reply to another learner. Give constrictive, professional feedback and insights. 

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