Entry #5 topic: With YOUR product in mind for the final project, write a summary discussing how cultural differences such as norms, lifestyles, and values will affect your marketing strategies. Also, how cognizant of people’s differences are you, in terms of marketing your product? Write a minimum of three well-formed paragraphs.
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Effective understanding of cultural differences is a base of experience and innovative rationale to improve the competitive position of corporations. Nevertheless, cultural differences can interfere with the effective marketing of products in these days multicultural international business society. cultural differences have been considered from a scope of alternate points of view, including their effect on attitudes and influence, and also their part in the dispersion of new items. They can affect my marketing strategy for the Samsung Gear S3 smart watch in diverse ways, one of them is language and education. The normal level of education in a community impacts the interests and sophistication of customers.
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