Australia Dispatch – Were These Killings a ‘Massacre’? And Who Gets to Decide?
Please read the article and check out the link
12/04/world/australia/ aboriginal-massacres-elliston- memorial.html?nytapp=true& smid=nytcore-ios-share - A proper MLA citation
- Write a page reflective report. The title of this report is to be: Australia Dispatch – Were These Killings a ‘Massacre’? And Who Gets to Decide?
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Australia Dispatch
The life of Aboriginal people has been described as “good thing” during the colonialism era. However, a map “debunking the Australia myth Day” depicts what colonization was for the first people of Australia. The map shows a small coastal city that had a cruel fight over a monument and Aboriginal Australian people, in the end, saw their version of the existing history.
(317 words)