Describe your experience with how the church or people in your faith community or family have responded to people struggling with anxiety or depression.

Meditating on Gods Word


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
2. Watch or Listen to one of the following:
o Anxiety and Depression with John Townsend

o Dealing with Anxiety and Depression

3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts:

a. Describe your experience with how the church or people in your faith community or family have responded to people struggling with anxiety or depression.
b. Explain two Biblical principles as described in the resource you chose that is important for helping with anxiety or depression. Why are they important? How are they Biblical?
c. How did the material you chose to change your perspective on anxiety and depression or God’s view of it?
d. What will you take away from the material that can help you as a Christian and as a social worker?


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Describe your experience with how the church or people in your faith community or family have responded to people struggling with anxiety or depression.


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