Explain how the crime is committed, list an example of the crime

Explain how the crime is committed, list an example of the crime

Subject: Business Management


Format: APA

Number of sources: 2

Number of pages: 2

Spacing: double spaced

Topic: Recent Business Crime

Details: This week you were introduced to some common business related crimes. Your assignment for this week is to research a recent business crimes (not more than 3 years old) and select one as a topic for your assignment. Examples include, but are not limited to, hacking, Ponzi schemes, identity theft, etc. Explain how the crime is committed, list an example of the crime (an actual case), provide the applicable penalties if one is convicted of committing this crime, and prevention tips to keep people from becoming a victim of the crime.

Your paper will be 2-3 pages in length with proper APA citations (both in-text and full) to show where you received the source of your information about the crimes.

Below is the grading rubric for the written paper assigned to you in this Module:

Criteria Points

Selection of a relevant business crime within the past 3 years as a topic 7

Clear explanation of the commission of the crime 7

Articulation of the penalties that could be imposed 5

Tips for prevention 7

Proper APA citations, requisite length (2-3 pages), punctuation/grammar/etc. 4


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Explain how the crime is committed list an example of the crime


661 words

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