Summative Project: Concept Statement
Style | APA |
Number of words | 598 |
Number of sources | 2 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Details: Complete a concept statement for your venture. Use Tables 8.1 and 8.2 as your template. It should include the following sections in table format:
Articulate the problem and proposed a solution
Proposed solution:
Required behavioral changes and associated challenges:
Business proposition
Unit of social impact:
Unit of revenue:
Market and competition
Determine market segment:
Determine the most competitive alternative:
Articulate how your solution is better than the most competitive alternative:
Sociopolitical landscape
Who benefits from my business?
Who is hurt by my business?
Who are the key stakeholders?
Who are my allies?
Who are my opponents?
1 Table (refer to Tables 8.1 and 8.2)