Explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan

5-1 Milestone Five: Assumption and Contingency Planning

Style APA
Number of words 2662
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


My business is offering Marketing, Promotion, and PR to record labels, artists, and musicians.


Submit the assumptions and contingency planning, which includes your explanation of assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept.

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have been developing throughout your MBA coursework.

In Milestone Five, you will submit the assumptions and contingency planning, in which you will clearly explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of you concept.

Critical Elements:

  1. Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

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Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Main Elements Includes most of the main elements Does not include any of the main elements 15
Critical Thinking Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples Does not provide logical conclusions 15
Assumptions Explains the assumptions behind the plan and includes a discussion of any factors that may affect the assumptions or success of the project and contingency planning Does not explain the assumptions behind the plan and include discussion of any factors that may affect the assumptions or success of the project 12
Cross-Cultural, Economic, and Geopolitical Factors Discusses cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept Does not discuss cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept 12
Legally and Ethically Compliant Environment Explains how the project will operate in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained Does not explain how the project will operate in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained 12
Stakeholder and Customer Diversity page2image1205306816Outlines plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept Does not outline plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept 12
Corporate Social Responsibility Discusses the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of the concept Does not discuss the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of the concept 12
Articulation of Response Submission does not have critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10
page2image1205391888Total 100%

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